26 March, 2021

Super Visa

Super Parent Visa in Canada

People who are eligible for super parents visa and how should they apply for this visa?

Canadian super visa is for parents and grandparents of Canadians and allows them to come to Canada and stay in Canada for a longer period of time, initially they can live in Canada for up to 2 years without the need to renew their status. and are also allowed to enter Canada several times in a ten-year period.
Parents and Grandparents or PGP is for those who want to visit their parents and grandparents temporarily.

Who is eligible for a parent super visa?

Parents or grandparents of Canadian citizens and PR permanent residents may be eligible to apply for a super visa.

How to apply for this visa?

Applicants must submit their application outside Canada.
The super visa process is similar to the regular visa process or TRV.

However, IRCC must ensure that applicants are well supported during their stay in Canada.

Some of these documents include a signed letter from a Canadian child or grandchild and health insurance of at least $60,000 from a Canadian insurance company.

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