15 May, 2020

Study Permit in Canada

Study Permit

The study permit is a document issued by the Immigration, Refugee, Citizenship Canada (IRCC), which allows foreign nationals to study at colleges and universities in Canada. The study permit is not the same as a visa. A visa is meant to let you enter Canada, while a study permit allows you to study in Canada. When a study permit is issued, for the foreign nationals who come from visa-required countries, a temporary resident visa (TRV) is issued, too.

Validity of a Study Permit

Depending on the length of your study program, the IRCC determines how long the study permit is valid. More specifically, a study permit is valid for the length of your study program, plus an extra 90 days. You are expected to leave Canada or apply to extend your stay in the extra 90 days.

Special Circumstances

1.If your college or university requires you to take some prerequisite courses before you begin your main studies, your study permit will be valid for the length of those courses, plus 1 year. However, when you are accepted into the main program, you must apply to extend your stay as a student.

  1. If you need to stay after the original validity date of your study permit, you must apply to extend your stay as a student within 30 days of the expiry date. If you do not apply, you must stop studying and leave Canada.
  2. If you finish your studies before your study permit expires, regardless of the date of expiry on your study permit, you are required to leave Canada within 90 days after you complete your studies. The completion date of your studies is announced by your school.
  3. While you are a student, you may leave Canada and return; however, you must show proof that you are enrolled in your school when you return to Canada. Also, you need to have a valid visa to enter Canada.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. You must be enrolled at a learning institution approved by the government.
  2. You need to prove that you have enough money to pay for your tuition fees, living expenses for yourself and any accompanying family member and also for the return transportation for yourself and any accompanying family member.
  3. You must obey the law in while in Canada.
  4. You are required to show that you have no criminal record (get a police certificate). 
  5. You should be in good health and get a medical exam(if required).
  6. You must prove that you have the intention to leave Canada at the end of your studies.

Your Responsibilities as a Student in Canada

  1. Do your best and make progress towards completing your studies.
  2. Observe all the conditions listed on your study permit.
  3. Leave Canada when your permit expires if you no longer meet the requirements.
  4. May be allowed to work in Canada.
  5. May be allowed to travel within Canada.

Benefits of a Study Permit for the Accompanying Family Members

When you study in Canada, you can also bring your spouse or children with you. If so, your spouse may get an open work permit. This work permit allows your spouse to work for any employer in any part of Canada. Your spouse’s work history may then collect points, which will help if you apply for permanent residence. Also, your children can study at school without having to pay. If you get a post-graduation work permit when you finish your studies, your spouse and children may also stay in Canada as long as you can stay.  

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