2 April, 2021

Skilled Worker

Immigration program to Canada through Skilled Worker

This immigration program is designed to attract skilled workers who have work experience outside of Canada. Work experience includes jobs in which a person has acquired the necessary expertise in that field.

The intended work area includes jobs that fall under the 0, A, B job categories according to the Canadian job grouping table. These jobs require a degree from a university or college or management experience.

Among the evaluation indicators of immigration applicants in this way, we can refer to educational qualification, language skills (English or French), applicant’s age, and work experience. Each of these indicators has a certain score, of which the highest score belongs to the academic degree and language skills.

If the applicant obtains the minimum required score (which is currently 67 out of 100), he/she can enter the Express Entry Pool with other applicants. Then, based on other indicators, which are mostly similar to the above and each of them has its own subsets with specific points, the conditions of the applicant are scored.

The total score is equal to 1200 and there is no predetermined minimum score, but people compete with each other and those who have the most points are selected. Usually, in the recent lottery periods, those who managed to score above 460 have a chance to be selected. Among the benefits of this immigration program, we can mention two draws per month.

To participate in the Express Entry program, a person must first create a personal account on the website of the Immigration Department. In order to complete the process of creating a profile, the IELTS score and educational qualification evaluation must be available. If the applicant’s profile has the necessary points and is selected, the invitation (ITA) will be sent to complete and send the documents for final review, and finally, if all the conditions are met, they will be able to receive an immigration visa and a permanent residence card. Currently, the duration of the investigation of the case is about six months.

Pars Visa, with its expertise and experience, can be your advisor and guide from before creating a profile to completing and sending documents to achieve your goal.

You can find out if you are eligible to register for Express Entry by visiting the link below and answering the relevant questions.


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