Immigration through the Self-Employed Program or the Canadian Self-Employed Program
Self-Employed or self-employment program is a very specialized program that is embedded for specific people. This program is for artists, athletes and farmers (which is not currently running).
Who can work as a Self-Employed immigrant?
Only 3 classes of people have the ability to communicate with this method.
1- Self-Employed in cultural and artistic fields
Cultural and artistic activities include many art disciplines:
Music, Visual Arts (drawing, painting, sculpture, etc.) Movie and Cinema, Journalists, Cameramen, performing arts (dance, theater, etc.) are all people who are even behind the scenes: Managers, designers, concert, stage activities and decorators, etc.
2- Self-Employed in athletic
This program includes people who work in various sports.
3- Self-Employed in buying and managing a farm
This field requires a lot of knowledge of the farm and expertise in this field to show that you have the necessary skills for this.
Success factors for entering any of the above leads to success:
1- Displaying executive activities in each of the mentioned cases.
2- Showing the employment documents of your employees
3- World class experiences
4- Showing good financial ability
5- Demonstrate a significant contribution to cultural, artistic and athletic life in Canada.
6- Business Plan
Your score
Your maximum possible score is 100. The pass mark is currently 35 points, but it may change. Make sure you visit this site regularly if you’re thinking about immigrating to Canada as a Self-Employed immigrant.
We select candidates based on:
- the documents that you give us
- your score under each of the selection criteria
- you meeting the definition of a Self-Employed person
As part of the immigration process, we may ask to interview you. During the interview, a visa officer will ask you to explain:
- information that is unclear or inconsistent
- shortcomings or gaps in the documents that you provide
If there’s a difference between your statement of your qualifications and the visa officer’s assessment, we’ll award points based on the officer’s decision.
1- Related experiences (within 5 years) in Self-Employed
Two years of relevant experience 20 points
Three years of relevant experience 25 points
Four years of relevant experience 30 points
Five years of relevant experience 35 points
2- Points for age: maximum 10 points in Self-Employed
– Being between 21 and 49 years old: 10 points
– Any age higher or lower will be deducted 2 points per year
3- Points for education: maximum 25 points in Self-Employed
– You have a Master’s Degree or Ph.D. and at least 17 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.
25- points in Self-Employed
– You have two or more university degrees at the bachelor’s level and at least 15 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.
22- points in Self-Employed
– You have a three-year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship and at least 15 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.
22- points in Self-Employed
– You have a university degree of two years or more at the bachelor’s level and at least 14 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.
20 -points in Self-Employed
– You have a two-year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship and at least 14 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study
20- points in Self-Employed
– You have a one-year university degree at the bachelor’s level and at least 13 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.
15- points in Self-Employed
– You have a one-year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship and at least 13 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.
15- points in Self-Employed
– You have a one-year diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship and at least 12 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study.
12- points in Self-Employed
– You completed high school.
5- points in Self-Employed
4- Points for language ability: maximum 24 points in Self-Employed
Your proficiency in English or French is one of the 5 selection factors. You’ll be awarded up to 24 points for your basic, moderate or high proficiency in English and French. You’ll be given points based on your ability to:
- listen
- speak
- read and
- write
If you have some proficiency in both English and French, decide which language you’re more comfortable using. This is your first official language. The other is your second official language.
You must prove the level of language proficiency you claim on your application if you wish to have your official language proficiency considered in the assessment of your application for permanent residence.
1- High English Proficiency 16 points Second language 8 points
2- Average skill 8 points first and second language
3- Basic Skills 2 Language points first and second
5- Adaptability maximum 6 points.
– Spouse or common-law partner’s level of education 3-5 points
- – Secondary school (high school) diploma or less: 0 points
- A one-year diploma, trade certificate, apprenticeship, or university degree and at least 12 years of full-time or full-time equivalent studies: 3 points
- A two or three-year diploma, trade certificate, apprenticeship, or university degree and at least 14 years of full-time or full-time equivalent studies: 4 points
- A master’s degree or PhD and at least 17 years of full-time or full-time equivalent studies: 5 points
– Previous work in Canada 5 points
You or your accompanying spouse or common-law partner have completed a minimum of one year of full-time work in Canada on a valid work permit.
– Previous study in Canada 5 points
You or your accompanying spouse or common-law partner have completed a program of full-time study of at least two years’ duration at a post-secondary institution in Canada. You must have done this after you were 17 years old and with a valid study permit.
There’s no need to have obtained a degree or diploma for these two years of study to earn these points.
– Relatives in Canada 5 points
You or your accompanying spouse or common-law partner, have a relative (parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, child of a parent, sibling, child of a grandparent, aunt or uncle, or grandchild of a parent, niece or nephew) who is residing in Canada and is a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.
Self-Employed Application’s fee
Your application
Processing fee ($1575) and right of permanent residence fee ($500)
$CAN : 2,075
Your application (without right of permanent residence fee)
$CAN : 1,575
Include your spouse or partner
Processing fee ($825) and right of permanent residence fee ($500)
$CAN : 1,325
Include your spouse or partner (without right of permanent residence fee)
$CAN : 825
Include dependent child
$CAN : 225 (per child)
2 دیدگاه ثبت شده “Immigrating to Canada to see a self-employment program”
15 May 2020Visitor Rating: 5 Stars
09 Jan 2021امتیاز بینندگان:5 ستاره