15 May, 2020

Obtaining a study visa

Study Permit in Canada

In order to study in high school, language academy, college and university in Canada for more than 6 months, a Study Permit must be obtained from the Immigration Department. Before applying for a study permit, admission must be received from an approved high school, college or university in Canada. Study Permit is not equivalent to a study visa and only allows the applicant to enter Canada he does not give . A study permit is a document that shows the holder’s permission to study in the country Canada and the applicant needs to obtain a study visa to enter Canada.

Conditions for obtaining a study permit (Study Permit)

  • Obtaining academic admission from an approved educational institution
  • Proof of financial ability to pay tuition fees, living expenses for yourself and family members in Canada, and the cost of returning to the country for yourself and each family member in Canada.
  • Obtaining a certificate of no bad background in Iran and not having any history of threatening the security of Canada
  • having physical health (in some cases the need for medical examinations)
  • Evidence of your intention to leave Canada after completing your studies
Usually, the validity of the study permit is equal to the duration of the study period plus 90 days. extra time It is intended to prepare to leave Canada or apply for an extension of stay. If the student is unable to complete his studies by the date specified in the permit, he must Apply for the extension of the study visa. If the student completes his study period before the scheduled date, the study permit will be valid for 90 days after the end of the study, regardless of the date stated in the permit. If the educational institution requires the applicant to take some prerequisite courses before issuing admission to the main course , the validity period of the study permit will only be equal to the duration of the prerequisite courses. After the final acceptance in the main course, the applicant must apply for the extension of the study permit from within Canada .

Is it possible to leave Canada during the study period?

If a student wants to leave Canada during the summer or winter break or at any other time, in order to return to Canada, they must be able to show that they are still enrolled in an educational institution in Canada. It is education. Also, his study visa must be valid when he returns to Canada.

Responsibilities arising from obtaining a study permit (Study Permit)

Study permit holders in Canada must meet certain conditions in Canada, otherwise they may lose their study permit and even be forced to leave Canada. Study Permit holders are required to:
  • Be studying in one of the approved educational institutions.
  • Show that they are actively doing their studies.
  • Enroll full-time or part-time in each academic semester (except for scheduled holidays).
  • Don’t fall behind and be banned from studying.
  • Do not use justified study leave for more than 150 days during the course.
  • In case of transferring to another educational institution, inform the Canadian Immigration Department.
  • If they lose their student status, stop their studies.
  • Leave Canada when the study permit expires.
Students must also comply with other conditions listed in their study permit. This condition can include the following:
  • Engaging in study courses in the academic level in accordance with the conditions stated in the Study Permit
  • Undertake student work inside or outside the educational institution in accordance with the permit
  • Participating in co-op or internship courses
  • The need to submit reports for treatment courses
  • Permission to travel within Canada
  • Graduation date

Benefits of study permit (Study Permit) for spouse and accompanying children

A person who has a study permit in Canada can bring his wife and children with him slow down Spouse can get a work permit in Canada without job restrictions ( open work permit ). has it. This permit allows him to work anywhere in Canada and with any employer without the need to Getting a job offer works. This opportunity for those who intend to immigrate and receive Having a permanent residence in Canada is considered a big advantage because when they apply for permanent residence , they get points in the Express Entry program due to their work experience in Canada under special conditions . The children of someone who studies in Canada can also study for free in elementary schools High school in Canada. Also, if the student obtains a Post Graduation Work Permit , his family can extend their stay in Canada. They are allowed to work for their spouses and educate their children.

Learn more about obtaining a Canadian study visa


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