13 June, 2020

Classification of occupations in Canada

Classification of occupations in Canada

When applying to immigrate to Canada or when looking for a job offer, you need to know the relevant job code. In general, the job classification table in Canada includes 10 job categories and 4 job groups, which includes a total of 35,000 job titles. You can see job categories and relevant codes below.

code row code row
0 Management jobs 5 Jobs related to culture, art, sports and leisure
1 Executive, business and financial jobs 6 Jobs related to service and sales
2 Jobs related to natural and applied sciences 7 Professional jobs (trade), operators of machines and means of transportation
3 Jobs related to health and wellness 8 Jobs related to natural resources, agriculture and other production jobs
4 Jobs related to education, law, government and social services 9 Craftsmen and businesses related to industries

The grouping of jobs is determined based on the level of education and qualifications or job certification. There are four job groups or job levels in Canada’s job classification.  

Occupational group Education level/degree
A University degree (bachelor’s degree or higher)
B College degree or vocational school or internship
c High school diploma or in-service training
d In-service training

To find your job code (NOC), you can refer to the following address on the website of the Immigration Department.


What is important in immigration programs is to pay attention to the occupational group. For example, in the programFederal Immigration – Skilled Worker Only occupations with zero code A or B (management occupations) are acceptable

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