27 April, 2021


Canadian citizenship

Canada is one of the best countries in the world for immigration and the citizenship conditions of this country are much easier than other countries in the world. Canadians enjoy the best citizenship rights compared to other countries and are proud of this belief.

Benefits of Canadian citizenship

  • University education at a low cost (compared to many other developed countries) and receiving generous scholarships

  • From the total of 195 countries in the world, travel to 183 countries without obtaining a visa

  • Free medical services

  • Participating in elections to vote for a favorite candidate or to run for political office

  • Live outside of Canada without restrictions or loss of Canadian citizenship

  • Having full ownership rights

  • Receive pension after qualifying

  • Having all social, civil and political rights

Requirements for applying for Canadian citizenship

  • You must be 18 years of age or older. Parents must apply for children under 18 years of age.

  • Have permanent residence. If the validity of the permanent residence card has expired, it does not need to be renewed.

  • Be present in Canada for at least three years (1095 days) in the five years prior to application.

  • In the five years before the application, they have submitted at least 3 years of tax returns.

  • For people aged 18 to 54 at the time of application, reading and listening skills in English (or French) should be at IELTS 4 level.

  • For people aged 18 to 54 at the time of application, get a passing score on the citizenship test including history, geography, economics, government and legal system, and symbols of Canada.

Acceptable documents for language score

  • The results of an approved official language test (IELTS, SLPIP, TEF)

  • Proof of education in Canada (course completion certificate or report card)

  • Evidence of having a CLB level of at least 4 language training courses in government language training centers

Complete and submit the application

Recently, the citizenship application is done online (e-app). To know the latest news about how to proceed and required documents, refer to the link below.


You can also use the services of Pars Visa Immigration Organization in this field.

important things

  1. Parents or legal guardians of children under 18 years of age can apply for citizenship on behalf of their children. At least one of the parents or legal guardians of the child must be a Canadian citizen or must simultaneously apply for citizenship with their child.

    2- For citizenship, children must also have permanent residence status, but it is not necessary for them to have lived in Canada for three years prior to the application.

    3- Children (under 18 years old) and people 54 years old and older do not need to take the citizenship test.

    4- Marriage with a Canadian citizen does not lead to citizenship. A person should apply for citizenship after obtaining PR and meeting the condition of 3 years of presence in Canada.

    5- Spouse and children of a Canadian citizen who have PR status, if they live with him outside of Canada, the days of stay outside of Canada are counted only for maintaining or extending PR.

6- To calculate the duration of your stay in Canada, use the physical presence calculator in the link below.


After passing the citizenship test

After passing the citizenship test and meeting all the conditions, you will be invited to participate in the citizenship ceremony.
In the citizenship ceremony presided over by a judge, the oath ceremony is performed and you are accepted into the family of Canadian citizens. From now on, you have all the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship. Immediately after taking the citizenship oath, you will be considered a Canadian citizen and you can receive your citizenship certificate. This certificate is your citizenship document and you should be diligent in maintaining it.

Canada’s national anthem
O Canada!
Our home and motherland!
The true love of the country lies in the hearts of your children.
With a shining heart we see your appearance,
O real, powerful and free north!
anywhere in this land,
Canada, we stand to guard you.
May God keep our land proud and free!
Canada, we stand to guard you.
Canada, we stand to guard you.
Oh Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see you rise
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide, O Canada,
We stand on guard for you.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for you.
O Canada, we stand on guard for you.
Oath of citizenship
I swear (or affirm) that to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II,
the queen of canada
and his heirs and successors,
be faithful
and remain faithful
And in all honesty,
Comply with Canadian laws
And do all my duties as a Canadian citizen.
I swear (or affirm)
That I will be faithful
And bear true allegiance
To Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second
Queen of Canada
Her Heirs and Successors
And that I will faithfully observe
The laws of Canada
And fulfill my duties as a Canadian citizen.

Link to citizenship test sample questions



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