30 January, 2022

Canadian residency through the IMP program

Canadian residency through the IMP program

No need for a language degree or graduate education

Make your entrepreneurial dream a reality by registering a company in Canada.

Canada’s IMP program is the International Mobility Program, under which Canadian employers are allowed to hire foreign workers based on temporary work visas. This type of work visa does not require a Canadian market impact assessment permit or LMIA. This program is known as Canadian IMP visa or significant benefit based work visa. In this program, the applicant can directly apply for a work permit for himself.

What are the benefits of an IMP work visa?
✔️ No need for LMIA license
✔️ No need for high investment to establish a business
Shortening the application process for work visa
✔️ The possibility of accompanying family members and unmarried children under 22 years old
✔️ No requirement to provide a language certificate (of course, IELTS certificate with a minimum score of 5 in all skills is recommended)
✔️ Use of children’s free education in public schools and universities
✔️ Using Canadian government health services
✔️ The possibility of establishing a business in all regions of Canada
✔️ The possibility of obtaining a permanent residence in Canada after one year of Canadian work experience and presenting the IELTS certificate

Basic conditions for this program:
1- A valid educational qualification of at least a diploma
2- At least two years of managerial work experience
3- Sufficient financial ability to meet living expenses
and business in Canada
4- Preferably knowledge of English or French
5- Performing a successful medical test
6- Not having a bad criminal record

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