Institutions authorized to support economic projects in the Start-Up program
Entrepreneurs need to get permission from one of the authorized institutions for their plan and to start a start-up business Get a letter of support . Designated Organizations Institutions from the Canadian Immigration Department to invest or support start-up businesses have received a permit and their list is available on the website of the Immigration Department. These economic entities According to their standards and criteria, review the economic plans received from immigration applicants and They choose. These authorized institutions are divided into three groups.
1- Growth centers (Incubator)
Growth centers or accelerators are private institutions that support start-up projects in various ways, such as providing facilities and research space, providing advice on starting a business, communicating with industries or other communication networks, or investing. .
2- Investor institutions (Angel)
Angel investor institutions or business angels are private entities that start up Start-up businesses participate and invest. Participation of business angels in return Acquisition of shares in business. According to the regulations of the Immigration Canada Angel investor institutions ( Business Angels ) At least 75,000 dollars must be invested in the business plan of people applying for the start-up immigration program.
3- Institutions or venture capital funds (Venture Capital Fund)
Venture investment funds with the aim of acquiring shares in a start-up business They invest in creative projects with fast growth potential. Participation of these institutions Finance can include providing experience in start-up operations and providing specialist knowledge. Funds Venture investors should invest at least 200,000 dollars in entrepreneurship projects of start-up businesses .